Starbomb is a space-based (yes, really) synthpop/hip-hop supergroup consisting of Arin "Egoraptor" Hanson of Game Grumps, and Dan "Danny Sexbang" Avidan and Brian "Ninja Brian" Wecht of Ninja Sex Party. Starbomb's focus is to write humorous raps about pop culture, mostly video games. Also their focus is to make good music. Mostly the second one. But the first one's important too. So maybe both equally.
Arin Hanson, otherwise known as Egoraptor, is a snarky but lovable intergalactic patrolman who uses his "Sonic Rapping" abilities to stop space crime, and also to lay down sick stanzas for Starbomb. When Arin's not punching and "Sonic Blasting" criminals, he can be found playing his favorite Earth video games, like Mega Man or Bloodborne.
Dan Avidan is a tall, thin intergalactic musician who provides singing and occasional rapping for the universally beloved space band Starbomb. Dressed in electric blue and coiffed with a mane of long, flowing Earth hair, Dan Avidan's luscious, buttery vocals have been broadcast and celebrated across all corners of the known multiverse.

Brian Wecht, also known as "Ninja Brian", is the lead and only keyboardist in Starbomb. His main duties include bringing the keyboard to rehearsal, playing the keyboard at rehearsal, and then packing the keyboard up and taking it home after rehearsal. He also has the same job in the band Ninja Sex Party, which he's in with Dan. Also, he wrote and performed all the instrumental music for the first two Starbomb albums.